Life Stages

NextGen Kids (Infants – 4th Grade)

At NextGen kids, we want to help children build a firm foundation in their faith through understanding the character of God, and the importance of the gospel. We want all children who come to NextGen to feel the love of God through our community, and experience his goodness through our biblical teaching.

NextGen Youth (5th – 12th Grade)

Growing up as a teenager is filled with so many hurdles and difficulties, especially with the state of how broken our world is today. In NextGen Youth, our focus is to walk with them as they navigate through these difficult times and to equip them not only with Christ-like solutions, but a Christ-like heart. Our hope is that we can build a strong foundation in the Gospel and that will help them grow into strong lovers of Christ that not only love God, but love people.

Young Adults Ministry

Young Adults Ministry or YAM, for short, is a gathering where we dive deep into scripture to develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord. Our goal is to be a group where we can be accountable with one another and to be vulnerable and open with our thoughts and feelings. Here at YAM, we are all broken individuals who are only healed and empowered through Christ.


At Regen, we understand how important healthy families are. Our mission for family ministry is for our families to build healthy and intimate relationships with each other. Our hope is that parents and kids will become more like Jesus, to be His faithful disciples and do the same for others.


What’s up dudes! Regen Men is a community of brothers of all life stages to spreading and celebrating the word of God. We encourage our men to actively pursue God, promote the right actions, take responsibility, and to grow as spiritual leaders in their households.


Hey ladies! Regen Women is a community of women of all life stages to gather and encourage one another to tune our ears to God’s voice. In a world where there are many “voices” trying to define who we are, we know that God is the one that gives us our true identity. Each gathering looks different, varying from prayer time, testimony sharing, worship, or Bible study, but all for the purpose of aligning ourselves to His purpose.

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