Community Groups

Young Adult Community Groups

The Young Adult Community Group is about connecting with one another during the week to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.

Have you ever felt that even in a small group it is difficult to feel connected? You try to grab a donut in hopes that someone will come and speak to you. You don’t want to feel awkward but well…you do. As a start up church we can even feel like that a Sunday. This is why we meet during the week with our community group. Our hope is that you will discover a place where you can come together with people in the same life stage to connect, encourage, and go deeper.

The vision of community group is to become more like Christ. What better way than to do life with like-minded believers in Christ that can fully run hard after God. In the process, have fun, eat good food, and laugh together. This is our Young Adult Community Groups .

Family Community Groups

If you are seeking community with families in the same life stage, we have Married Community Groups for you. We understand that life can get pretty hectic with career, kids, marriage and everything else that can take away our attention. As we meet in our married community groups, we refocus our attention to Christ so that we become more like Jesus in our daily lives.

Either you are a newlywed or have small babies or even empty nesters, we have a community group for your life stage. Let us know how we can help you connect with our Married Community Groups!

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